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Polishchuk Galina 
Head of the department, Professor, D.Sc.

Head of Subcommittee 181 on Food Technology of the Scientific and Methodological Commission 10 on Construction and Technologies of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Member of two specialized scientific councils D 26.058.03 (NUFT) and D 64.050.05 (HPI).

Expert of the Kiev Chamber of Commerce and Industry on Food Quality, Auditor of Certification Systems CERTEX for Food Quality.

Awarded the sign "Excellence in education of Ukraine".

In 1981 he graduated from the Kherson State Pedagogical Institute, specializing in Chemistry and Biology. Worked and studied at the postgraduate study institute Ukrmysomolprom (now the Institute of Food Resources) from 1981 to 1992. He defended his Ph.D. thesis in the specialty 05.18.04 - Technology of meat, dairy product and products from hydrobionts.

The department of technology of milk and dairy products NUFT has been working since 1992, since 2002 - the acting Head of the department, and from 2005 - the head of the department. In 2011-2013 she was in doctoral studies, defended her doctoral dissertation on the specialty 05.18.04 - technology of meat, dairy products and products from hydrobionts. Doctor of technical sciences received a doctorate in 2014, a professor's academic degree in 2015. From 2014 he headed the department again.

The total length of scientific and pedagogical work is 36 years.

He is the author of more than 250 scientific works, including about 80 articles in foreign editions and professional editions of Ukraine, 60 patents of Ukraine and 3 author's certificates, 7 textbooks and 2 textbooks with stamp MES, 1 monograph , 17 methodological recommendations, 6 lecture notes.

Head of student's scientific circle "Milk business".

Prepared to defend 5 Ph.D., supervises the research work of 5 postgraduates. Every year is the leader of 5 masters.

Kochubey-Lytvynenko Oksana 
Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technologies,  associate professor, Ph.D.

The Graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies (now NUFT), specializing in "Technology of Milk and Dairy Products".

He received a Ph.D.  in 2001, and a associate professor Ph.D. in 2004.

Since 2000, the department has been working at the department since 2016, the director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technologies.

The total length of scientific and pedagogical work after graduation is 15 years.

The author of 140 scientific works, including 1 collective monograph, 50 articles, 15 of them - are included in the scientific basis of the Index Copernicus Int., 1 - to the base Scopus; 16 patents of Ukraine. He is a co-author of 3 textbooks, 2 textbooks with stamp MES, 33 methodological recommendations.

Has prepared 2 candidates of sciences.

Puhlyak Anastasia 
Deputy Director of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technologies, associate professor, Ph.D.

Graduated from the Ukrainian State University of Food Technologies (now NUFT), specializing in "Technology of Milk and Dairy Products".

The received  Ph.D.  in 2007, the associate professor - in 2015.

He has been working at the department since 1996, since September 2007 he has worked as deputy dean of the faculty of technology of meat and dairy and perfumery and cosmetic products, and from July 2016 he has been the deputy director of educational work at the Institute of Educational Sciences of Food Technologies.

The total length of pedagogical work is 12,5 years, scientific work 15 years.

The author of more than 60 scientific works, including 30 articles, 19 patents of Ukraine and one patent of the Russian Federation. He is a co-author of 15 methodical recommendations.

He manages the research work of graduate students.

Grek Helen
 associate professor, Ph.D.

Responsible for the educational work of the department, for the organization of course and diploma design.
From 2011 to 2012 he was acting head of the department. Graduated from Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry (now NUFT) in the specialty "Milk and Dairy Products Technology" in 1985.

The academic degree of the candidate of technical sciences was received in 1995, the academic rank of associate professor - in 2001. The department works since 1995.

The total length of pedagogical work is 21 years, scientific work 30 years.

The author of more than 200 scientific works, including 86 articles in foreign publications and professional editions of Ukraine, 10 of them - are included in the scientific basis of the Index Copernicus Int., 1 - to the Scopus; 42 patents of Ukraine. He is a co-author of the monograph, 4 textbooks, 5 textbooks with stamp MES, 46 methodological recommendations. Prepared 4 candidates of sciences.

Supervises the research work of graduate students and 1 postgraduate student.

Krasylya Helen

deputy head of the department, associate professor Ph.D.

Responsible for distributing the load and auditorium load, curator of the academic group.

Graduated from the National University of Food Technologies, specializing in "Technology of storage, preservation and processing of milk" in 2010.

 Ph.D. in Engineering degree received in 2014.

The department works since 2012.

The total length of pedagogical work is 5 years, scientific work 7 years.

The author of more than 78 scientific works, including 27 articles in foreign publications and professional editions of Ukraine, 6 of them - are included in the scientific basis of the Index Copernicus Int., 1 - to the Scopus database; 18 patents of Ukraine. He is a co-author of the monograph, textbook and textbook with the neck of the Ministry of Education and Science, 12 methodical recommendations.

He manages the research work of graduate students.

Onopriychuk Helen

associate professor, Ph.D.

Responsible for the faculty for practical training of students.

Graduated from the National University of Food Technologies and received a full degree in the specialty "Technology of storage, preservation and processing of milk", in addition, received a second higher education in the specialty "Accounting and Audit".

Ph.D. was awarded in 2009, and the associate professor degree is awarded in 2015.

Works at the department since 2004.

Total experience of pedagogical work is 11 years, scientific work 12 years.

The author of more than 60 scientific works, including 44 articles, 12 patents of Ukraine. He is a co-author of 1 textbook with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and 3 manuals, 14 methodical recommendations.

He manages the research work of graduate students.

Osmak Tetiana

associate professor, Ph.D.

Responsible for the scientific work of the department, training of teachers

Graduated from the National University of Food Technologies and received a Master's degree in "Technology of Storage, Conservation and Processing of Milk".

The scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences was received in 2013.

Works at the department since 2006.

Total experience of pedagogical work is 11 years, scientific work 13 years.

Author of more than 85 scientific works, including 32 articles, 16 patents of Ukraine. He is a co-author of 1 textbook and 2 textbooks with a stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science, 16 methodical recommendations.

Manages the research work of graduate students and students of the department.

Tymchuk Alla

associate professor Ph.D.

The secretary of the department, responsible for conducting scientific conferences, the computerization of the educational process, the teacher of the academic group.

Graduated from National University of Food Technologies, specializing in "Technology of storage, preservation and processing of milk".

Scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences received in 2016.

The department works since 2012.

The total length of pedagogical work is 5 years, scientific work 5 years.

The author of more than 32 scientific works, including 13 articles, 11 patents of Ukraine, is a co-author of 1 textbook with a stamp MES, 7 methodical recommendations.

He takes an active part in the research work of the department.

Kuzmyk Ulyana 
Senior Lecturer

Responsible from the department for distance education, for the development of curriculum and work curricula for bachelors and masters.

Graduated from National University of Food Technologies, specializing in "Technology of storage, preservation and processing of milk".

The department works from 2015.

The total length of pedagogical work is 2 years, scientific work 5 years.

The author of more than 40 scientific works, including 9 articles in foreign publications and professional editions of Ukraine, including 1 article - in the scientific base Scopus, 15 patents of Ukraine. He is co-author of 3 methodical recommendations.

Actively participates in the research work of the department.

Ustymenko Ihor 


Responsible for filling and maintaining electronic information base of the department, providing information from the department to the site of the department and the university NUFT.

Graduated from National University of Food Technologies, specializing in "Technology of storage, preservation and processing of milk".

The department works since 2017.

The total length of pedagogical work is 1 year, scientific work 6 years.

He is the author of more than 44 scientific works, including 6 articles in foreign editions and professional editions of Ukraine, among them: 3 - in the scientific publication included in the international science-based base Index Copernicus (IC), 1 - in the international foreign scientific publication (Lithuania); 3 - in the scientific special editions of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine, 24 patents of Ukraine for a useful models and inventions.

Citation statistics of scientific works from 2013 according to GOOGLE Academy - 9.

Actively participates in the research work of the department

Bass Oksana



Responsible for filling the repository, conducting seminars of the department.

Graduated from National University of Food Technologies, specializing in "Technology of storage, preservation and processing of milk".

The department works since 2017.

Total experience of pedagogical work is 1 year, scientific work - 3 years.

He is the author of more than 20 scientific works, including 7 articles, among them: 1 article - in the science-based base of Web of Science; 1 - in the international foreign scientific publication (Lithuania); 3 - in the scientific publication included in the international science-based database Index Copernicus (IC); 6 - in the scientific special editions of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine; 3 Declarative Patents of Ukraine.

Actively participates in the research work of the department.


Responsible for mutual learning by teachers, for communications with the library and for civil protection.

Graduated from the National University of Food Technologies in the specialty "Technology of Storage, Conservation and Processing of Milk".

At the department works from 2018.

The total length of scientific work is 3 years.

The author of 16 scientific publications, including 5 articles, of which: 2 - in the international foreign scientific publication, the English language (Romania); 1 - in the scientific report included in the international science-based database Index Copernicus (IC); 2 - in scientific issues of the VAC of Ukraine; 4 declaration patents Ukraine, of which 2 patented invention.

Actively participates in the research work of the department.

Lozitskaya Tetiana 
Head of the Laboratory

Graduated from Kyiv Technological Institute of Food Industry (now NUFT), specializing in "Technology of Milk and Dairy Products".

At the department works since 1979, since 1986 the head of the laboratory of the department.

Total experience of pedagogical work is 31 years, scientific work 38 years.

Chubenko Larisa 
Engineer of the 1st category

Graduated from Odesa National Academy of Food Technologies, specializing in "Technology of Meat and Meat Products".

The department works since 2014.


Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv-33, st. Volodymyrska, 72 building of G

Head of Department:

(044) 287-92-07


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