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Teachers of the department provide advisory assistance to the technologists of "Maiquer" (Chinese People's Republic, Sintszyan Province)

Business meeting with the leadership of the Scientific and Technical Center in

Ci-Ping Province of Jilin, PRC

Cooperation of specialists of the NUKHT Milk Technology Department with specialists of the People's Republic of China on the creation of composite systems for the stabilization of ice cream

The internship of the department's assistant professor at Greens Ayurveda Ayurveda (India) Ayurvedic Center, which has made it possible to cooperate even more closely with specialists in creating new technological solutions in the production of dairy products to date.

Delegation of teachers of the Educational and Scientific Institute of Food Technologies, headed by Director O.V. Kochubey-Litvinenko, associate professor of milk and dairy technology department, visited the University of Natural Resources and Natural Sciences (BOKU) (Vienna, Austria) to familiarize themselves with the experience of Viennese colleagues regarding the organization of the educational process for the preparation of bachelors, masters and doctors of the philosophy of food.

During the internship, NNIHT lecturers familiarized themselves with the main scientific directions of Viennese colleagues, in particular the scholarly schools of professors G. Yoger, M. Schreiner, K. Dirschmidt and outlined a range of issues for possible cooperation.


Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv-33, st. Volodymyrska, 72 building of G

Head of Department:

(044) 287-92-07


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