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Polishchuk Galina 

Head of Department

professor, D.Sc.

room Ж-409,

tel. (044) 287-92-07

The Department of Technology Мilk and Dairy Products, which started its activity in 1967, provides training for specialists in educational, vocational and educational programs in accordance with the following levels of higher education:

- the first (bachelor) level in specialty 181 "Food Technologies";

- the second (master's) level in specialty 181 "Food Technologies" specializing in "Technologies of storage, preservation and processing of milk";

- the third (educational-scientific) level in specialty 181 "Food Technologies" specializing in "Technology of meat, dairy products and products from hydrobionts".

Graduated graduates of the department have a high professional and educational-scientific level of training that allows them to solve complex engineering, technical, scientific and research tasks in the production conditions of enterprises of the food industry and in the conditions of scientific research and educational laboratories of research institutes and universities.

To provide educational process at the department there are 2 educational and 2 scientific and research facilities technically and methodically equipped laboratories, as well as a computer class.In the process of learning, students study the peculiarities of technology of milk and milk products and carry out research work, model production processes. Training laboratories are equipped with the following technical means: thermostats and ultra-thermostats, laboratory centrifuges, centrifuges for fat measurement and water baths, coil heaters, drying cabinets, analyzers of milk quality, electronic and analytical weights, photoelectric calorimeter,  butter-tone scales, masticator, refractometers, pH-

meters, viscometer VZ-246, a heppler consistometer, Chyzhovа moistometer, a laboratory homogenizer-dispersant, a semi-phase frigorizer ice cream, milk starter, vacuum pumps, milk analyzer AM-2, microscopes. That is, there are all necessary for quality control of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products, as well as for scientific researches, measuring instruments and installations, laboratory utensils, reagents, etc. For postgraduate and doctoral students training, all conditions for obtaining theoretical knowledge, skills, skills and other competencies sufficient for the production of new ideas, solving complex problems in the field of professional and research and innovation activities, mastering the methodology of scientific and pedagogical activities, and as well as conducting own scientific research, the results of which have a scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance.

According to the results of own scientific researches under the scientific guidance of the leading faculty members of the department, the defenders of the dissertation work of the applicants of educational-scientific degree on specialty 181 "Food Technologies" with specialization "Technology of meat, dairy products and products from hydrobionts" are held annually in the field of development of new and the improvement of existing technologies for milk and milk-contain products.

The position of the department of technology of milk and dairy products


Ukraine's dairy industry is one of the most powerful branches of the food industry in Ukraine, represented by more than 200 specialized enterprises. Dairy products are part of everyday diet of everyone. Drinking milk, cheese and dairy products, sour-milk drinks, sour cream, milk-based ice cream, canned milk, natural cheeses, butter and spreads, dairy products for baby food - this is the basis of a full and healthy diet for people of all ages and health. Specialists in this specialization are trained for engineering and organizational activities and solving complex engineering and technical problems that arise during the production process of milk processing and processing. Graduates are able to design dairy enterprises, independently identify and substantiate ways to improve technology and technology at the enterprise, carry out techno-chemical and microbiological control of raw materials and finished products, solve research tasks. They have deep knowledge of the theoretical and practical aspects of dairy products production, the principle of the operation of process equipment, automation systems and computerization of production processes, metrology, standardization and certification of food products, acquire skills in the creation of new types of products and the development of normative documentation. Graduates of specialization may hold positions: chief of the enterprise chief engineer, engineer-technologist, quality engineer, chief of the shop, chief of the change, design engineer, manager of the laboratory, manager and have the opportunity to work in dairies, oil and cheese factories, dairy canning factories, in the departments of metrology, standardization and certification of food products, research and design organizations, associations, commercial institutions, higher educational institutions, etc.


Ukraine, 01601, Kyiv-33, st. Volodymyrska, 72 building of G

Head of Department:

(044) 287-92-07


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